Welcome to Operation Reach B.L.A.C.K.

Operation Reach B.L.A.C.K. is a Pan-African Blog with an acronym that stands for Building Leadership Awareness and Cultural Knowledge.

The goal of this blog is to become a "Blog of Black Thought" focusing on matters of social, economic and political awareness through education (re-education), self-affirmation and cultural expression. Above all, this blog will DEMAND respect and appreciation for one another as black men and women.

Got something to say? Feel free to visit and comment on past posts. You can also email this site at opreachblack@gmail.com and follow on Twitter @reachblack.


(Opinions, Observations, and Commentary)

Monday, May 17, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address (05/15/10)

The corner of Wall Street and Broadway, showin...Image via Wikipedia
The President continued his push for Wall Street Reform in this week's video address. Outlining the reasons for legislation, the President discussed why every American has a stake in Wall Street reform:

"First and foremost, you have a stake in [reform] if you've ever been treated unfairly by a credit card company, misled by pages and pages of fine print, or ended up paying fees and penalties you'd never heard of before. And you have a stake in it if you've ever tried to take out a home loan, a car loan, or a student loan, and been targeted by the predatory practices of unscrupulous lenders."

And here's President Obama's visit to Buffalo, NY earlier this week:

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Video: Perspective Piece